Creating Career Competencies in out of Program Activities

Sarmīte Čerņajeva


Mathematics is one of the basic subjects of the study program at school / technical university. Teaching Mathematics is a complex task, because the amount of the acquired study topic is wide, requiring great effort and regular work from pupils / students. Mathematical Olympiad and competitions is to promote interest in mathematics among young people, it is an opportunity to promote its creatives application and cooperation between young people with similar interests. The article gives a brief insight in the beginnings Mathematical Olympiad in Europe, about all mathematical Olympiads and competitions available for pupils and technical university students in Latvia: National Mathematical Olympiad, Meridian Mathematical Competition (MMC), International Mathematical Competition “Kangaroo”, Latvian Open Mathematical Olympiad, International Student Scientific Mathematical Olympiad, International Students and Pupils Mathematical Olympiad.


mathematical competence, Olympiads of mathematics, International Mathematics Olympiad for students.

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DOI: 10.7250/bfpcs.2016.006


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